Dial +44 70 (UK number) for international online fraud

A few years ago I created the Scam-O-Matic (www.scamomatic.com), a website that every month has helped thousands of people worldwide by automatically diagnosing online fraud emails that people have submitted to it. Scamomatic.com recognizes fake lotteries, “dead customer” scams, “dying widow” scams and many other common formats from scammers from Nigeria that you may have seen in your inbox before. Even when it can’t pinpoint the exact type of scam, it often recognizes it as a generic scam format, largely thanks to the presence in the email of UK phone numbers that start with +44 70. These numbers are everywhere in Nigerian online scams, regardless of the precise scam format. The +44 70 prefix might as well be called the country code of Nigerian scammers.

If you receive any email that mentions any +4470 phone number, do not reply to it! You can submit the body of any suspicious email message to www.scamomatic.com for instant feedback about what kind of scam it might be.

These +4470 numbers are a gift to online scammers by British phone regulators. They are primarily owned by obscure British phone companies offering an anonymous call forwarding service. The economic model of these services is simple: The caller dials a rather expensive UK number and the UK service provider forwards the incoming call to a somewhat less expensive to call international number (for example a Nigerian mobile phone, which remains hidden from the caller), pocketing the difference between the call rates. For example, the caller might pay 50 cents per minute to call a +44 70 number and the call will then be forwarded to a Nigerian mobile phone that costs 25 cents per minute, leaving 25 cents per minute as a net margin for the service operator. The more successful the scammers are, the more money the phone company makes. Who ever said crime doesn’t pay?

These UK phone numbers are very attractive to scammers: When people can be made to believe that they are dealing with a bank, lawyer or government official in London, UK when they’re actually talking to a scammer on his cell phone in an Internet cafe in Lagos, Nigeria then they are much more easily defrauded by criminals.

As far as I can tell these numbers aren’t really being used for any other purpose than to enable international online crimes to be committed. In some nine years of tracking Nigerian scam emails, I have yet to come across a single legitimate user of a +44 70 number. I really don’t understand why the British government has allowed those services to continue to operate.

Now, of course the service operators can claim that they don’t know that their services are being used for criminal purposes unless someone tells them about it. On the other hand, they are not exactly making it easy to report abuse and the high prices of these services means that it’s unlikely that they’ll get much legitimate use, if any.

There are several ways to curb abuse, other than suspending +44 70 numbers altogether and I would encourage the UK government to seriously consider them:

  • The UK regulators could make it a requirement that calls via this service either originate in the UK or terminate in the UK, i.e. to prevent unrestricted global relaying, with say calls from India or the US being forwarded to Nigeria or Côte d’Ivoire.
  • The UK regulators could require service providers to announce the country name of the phone number to which the call is being forwarded if the destination number is not a UK number.
  • The UK regulators could require service providers to block forwarding to mobile phone numbers in certain countries, e.g. Nigeria

Below is a sample list of +44 70 numbers that appeared in Nigerian scams reported to Scam-O-Matic over the course of the last seven days. These roughly 60 phone numbers per day are only the tip of the iceberg:


887 thoughts on “Dial +44 70 (UK number) for international online fraud

  1. Ronald Gowan is back in Facebook. Profile claims to live in Liverpool, Widowed with 2 daughters from Dublin, Ireland. Caution to women: he could request money to be send via Western Union.

  2. Pictures of Ronald Gowan appears in other profiles – Alex Smith, Coby Watts.

  3. Today I received scammer’s call (2 rings) from +447079219236 on my mobile in Pakistan.
    So add these two numbers as well.

  4. Je suis au Sénégal. Depuis une semaine, je reçois des appels d’inconnus. ça a commencé par des numéros inconnus , mais aujourd’hui, l’appel à afficher le numéro +44 70 8662 0509.

    Im at sénégal. Since a week, i receice scammer’s call. Please add this number to the black list +44 70 8662 0509

  5. Posted by a fake loan scammer:

    Tom Johnnie (tomjohnnieloan@outlook.com) – IP (Nigeria)


    Do you need a loan?
    Are you interested in getting any kind of loan?
    Are you worried about financial ? Or do you need a loan to pay off debt and bills ? We want to give out loan to those that never needs a loan at low interest rate of 2 % , we give out loan from a minimum to a maximum of 5,000.00 usd 100 million dollars, pounds , euro , if interested , contact us via company Email: tomjohnnieloan@outlook.com
    We are at your service.

    Interested applicants must complete and return the loan the borrower under ` s loan information for processment of transfer:


    Full Name: ………………….
    AGE ………………………..
    Contact Address: …………….
    Country …………………….
    Phone: ……………………..
    Occupation: …………………
    Monthly income: …………………….
    Religion: …………………………
    Next of Kin : …………………..
    ( Loan Information )
    Amount Needed as Loan: ……….
    Loan Duration: ………………
    Collateral : …………………
    Mode of repayment : monthly or yearly ……………
    Have you applied for a loan before? ……………….

    Thanks as we await your answers fast .

    Mr. Tom Johnnie

  6. And now they call and hang up so people call them back. Thanks for the site

  7. 4470 8855 2006 a number I have been getting a few calls on my Malaysian mobile

  8. Do you need a loan? Have you been looking where to get a loan? Have you been trying to get any kind of loan?If you want to get an affordable loan, then apply now at (rodrigoluliloanfirm@yahoo.com ). Loan is offered here at a very low interest rate of 3%. Contact us now if you are interested.

  9. there are some others-

  10. The following was posted by a fake loan scammer from Nigeria (

    loansworldcompany222@gmail.com (Mr Williams Morgan)

    Are you a business man or woman? You in any financial mess or do you
    need money to start your own business? Do you need a loan to pay off your
    debt or pay bills or start a nice business? We offer loan at 2%
    Interest rate. For more information, please contact us NOW … through: (loansworldcompany222@gmail.com)

    FILL information about the borrower BELOW.

    Loan application form

    Full name ……………….
    Contact Address: ……..
    Country ………………….
    State ……………………
    Phone: ……………………
    Gender: …………………..
    Amount needed ………..
    Duration …………………
    Annual income ………….
    Occupation: …………….

    Come back to us, if you need a loan.
    Mr Williams Morgan

    © Copyright 2014 –

  11. The following was posted by a fake loan scammer from Nigeria (

    rodrigoluliloanfirm@yahoo.com (Rodrigo Luli)



    To properly introduce myself, I am Mr RODRIGO LULI a private lender i
    give out loan at 3% interest rate. This is a financial opportunity at
    your door step, apply today and get your fast loan. There are many out
    there looking for financial opportunity or assistance all over
    the places and still yet they are unable to get one. But this is a
    financial opportunity at your door step and as such you can’t afford
    to miss this opportunity. This service is render to both
    individuals,companies,business men and women. The loan amount
    available ranges from any amount of your choice For more information
    contact us via email: rodrigoluliloanfirm@yahoo.com


    Full Name:

    Personal Phone Number:





    Have you applied before?:

    Marital Status:

    Loan amount needed as loan:

    Loan Duration:


    Monthly Income:

    In acknowledgment of these details, We shall send you our terms along with repayment schedule and If you agree to the terms and conditions ,you stand to get your loan within 24hours. This depends on your seriousness and urgency in obtaining the loan.
    I gladly await your swift response,

    Yours Sincerely,

    Mr Rodrigo Luli.

  12. Just had a missed call from *447088700282
    The phone dialled once and stopped
    Am not calling anyone back and will block the number. I have no dealings with anyone from England and don’t expect to in the future…. Found this site by google search ‘whose number is’

  13. tambien recibi una noticia parecida diciendome una mujer que le ayudara a salir de senegal con una cantidad de 6,7 millones de dolares

  14. hello they say it’s a scam if they ask for money, I can explain that please?

  15. this mailsend to me today, and i found in this page a alarm number fraud.

    deema abdel

    Hola mi querido,
    Te bendecido con el debido respeto en el nombre de Dios.
    En primer lugar le doy las gracias tanto, en línea con el mensaje que he enviado a ti, estoy más que feliz en su respuesta a mi correo. ¿Cómo es cada cosa allá en su país, creo que usted está en buena salud, y el ambiente allá en su país es muy bonito hoy? El mío es un poco más caliente aquí en Lomé, Togo.

    Mi nombre es (Deema Abdel) Desde Libia en el norte de África, que soy (23 años de edad), pero la edad no importa en una relación real, yo soy de (Libia) 5.2ft de altura, justo en la tez sola, (nunca casado) y actualmente soy residente aquí en Lomé como consecuencia de la guerra que ocurrió en mi país que yo estaba escapado a este país Togo eran i estoy bajo el campo de refugiados.

    Mi difunto padre el General de División, (Abdel Fattah YOUNES). Mi difunto padre Él tenía el rango de Mayor General y el cargo de Ministro del Interior, pero dimitió el 22 de febrero de 2011 para desertar el rebelde en la guerra civil libia. Mi padre fue asesinado por miembros de un militar anti-Gadafi el 28 de julio de 2011. Cuando los rebeldes troupe militar anti-Gadafi atacaron nuestra casa una mañana temprano matar a mis padres. Igualmente mi madre estaba embarazada de seis meses y que era profesor en la universidad antes de su muerte, es sólo que me está vivo ahora, porque yo soy el único hijo de mis padres, y me las arreglé para hacer mi camino con la ayuda de la ONU para Togo, donde me voy ahora como refugiados. Fue en un ataque temprano en la mañana por grupos militantes mataron a miembros de mi familia tanto mi madre y mi padre en una sangre fría, igual que mi madre estaba embarazada de seis meses.

    Ahora mismo, mientras estoy hablando con usted, yo soy la única persona viva en mi familia, y me las arreglé para hacer mi camino a este país (Togo), donde me voy ahora como un refugiado bajo el cuidado de un RP, SALOMÓN KUMA quien es el sacerdote de la (Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Misión Iglesia Católica Parroquial, (Togo) aquí en el campamento, que ha sido muy bueno conmigo desde que llegué aquí, pero no estoy viviendo con él y no yo vivo en la hembra albergue porque el campo tiene dos albergues uno para hombres y otro para mujeres.

    Por favor, no se ofenda por este mensaje que viene de mí, por favor, es sólo que no sé qué más hacer, porque mi situación aquí como refugiado me está dando una gran preocupación, por lo tanto, me gustaría que usted considere mi situación como un huérfano, y ser amable conmigo, como me estoy poniendo toda mi confianza en usted con el miedo, aunque no sé quién es usted antes, pero creo que con Dios todas las cosas son posibles y usted puede no me va a entregar al final.

    Me he comunicado a usted debido a mi situación difícil aquí en este campamento de refugiados, Su justo como una estancia en la cárcel y espero por gracia de Dios voy a salir aquí pronto.

    Yo no tengo ningún pariente ahora quien puedo ir a todos mis parientes se escapó en medio de la guerra, la única persona que tengo ahora es el reverendo Padre. SALOMÓN KUMA, quien es nuestro guardián aquí en este campamento de refugiados, ha sido muy amable con todos los cuerpos en el campamento, pero no estamos viviendo con él, y no estamos dejando en el albergue, que se divide en dos secciones, una para el macho, y el otro para la hembra.

    El número Tel padre Rev es (0022892143048) si usted llama, por favor dígale que usted quiere hablar conmigo señorita Deema de Libia él enviará para mí en el albergue para venir a hablar con usted. Aquí, en este campo también yo os envío un correo electrónico a través de la computadora de la oficina de la iglesia en la oficina Más al Rev. Debido Como refugiado aquí no tengo ningún derecho o privilegio a cualquier cosa ya sea dinero, teléfono, computadora, o lo que sea, porque es contra la ley de este país. Quiero volver a mis estudios porque sólo asistí a mi primer año antes del trágico incidente que conducen a mi estar en esta mala situación. Yo estaba presente cuando yo vi a mi madre murió con seis meses de embarazo.

    Por favor, escuchen esto – (porque es un secreto, aunque nadie lo sabe excepto tú y yo sabe de esto),

    Tengo el certificado de defunción de mi difunto padre aquí conmigo que voy a enviar a usted más tarde, porque cuando él estaba vivo que depositó cierta cantidad de dinero en uno de los principales bancos de Europa que él utilizó mi nombre como los familiares, el cantidad total, es EE.UU. $ 9,5 M (nueve millones quinientos mil dólares estadounidenses). Así que me gustaría que me ayudes a transferir este dinero a su cuenta y desde ella se puede enviar algo de dinero para mí conseguir mis documentos de viaje y los billetes de avión para venir a conocerlo en su país. Guardé este secreto a la gente en el campo aquí la única persona que sabe sobre él es tú y yo.

    Para su información, le quiero ver esta información noticias acerca de matar de mi difunto padre, historia a través de la BBC WORLD NEWS http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-14336122 Así que yo le gustaría mantener a ti mismo como secreto y no se lo digas a nadie porque tengo miedo de perder mi vida y el dinero si la gente llega a saber de él.

    Recuerdo que le estoy dando toda esta información debido a la confianza i depuesto en usted. Me gusta la gente honesta y la comprensión, veraz y personas que tienen la visión, la persona trabajadora y temeroso de Dios. Mi favorito es el idioma Inglés y hablo Inglés con gran fluidez.

    puedo confiar en usted como un verdadero amigo?

    Mientras tanto me gustaría que me llame como le dije, no tengo mucho que decirte ..
    Que tenga un buen día y pensar en mi condición aquí
    Adjunta aquí está mi foto para ti,

    Espera de oír de usted lo antes posible
    Gracias y seguir siendo bendecida.
    con mucho amor tuyo.

  16. Scam email from morristhomas134@gmail.com



    I want to recommend the effort of Shelley Warsh ,i was in need of an urgent loan of 8,000 dollars to pay my bills and I was told by my friend to contact Hem and which i did and now me and my family are happy so I want every to contact now via email if you are in need of all kinds of loan, contact them today, (morristhomas134@gmail.com)
    Many Thanks
    Mr Morris Thomas.

  17. Scam offer from mwansonmartinshomefirm2004@hotmail.com
    IP in Nigeria:


    They offer private, commercial and personal loans with very low annual interest rates as low as 3% in one year to 50 years repayment period anywhere in the world. We offer loans ranging from $ 5000 to US $ 100 million.

    Their loans are well insured for maximum security is their priority. Are you losing sleep at night worrying how to get a legitimate loan lender?

    Please fill this application Form below: Or you download it manually.

    Your Full Name*
    Your Email*
    Your Full Telephone*
    Your Address*
    Your City*
    Your Country*
    Fax Number
    Date of Birth *
    Do You Have An Account? *
    Have You Applied Before? *
    Loan Amount Needed *
    Loan Duration *
    Purpose of Loan *
    Send me a scanned copy of your identification:*

    Contact SWANSON MARTINS (Loan Services) now, experts who can help get Loans to stop bad credit history to find a solution that wins

    Please contact us for more information on(mwansonmartinshomefirm2004@hotmail.com)

    Creditor: Mrs. Swanson Martins
    The lender E-mail: mwansonmartinshomefirm2004@hotmail.com

  18. +44 70 8679 6343

    Пропущеный вызов…мне странно..я живу в Беларусии и таких номеров не видела)

  19. Wao , i never knew it was true until i got my loans also , each time i read several testimonies of people about this loan company online i keep feeling it was a set up or probably they were all faking it but not knowing that it was abosolutely 100% real . i am also also happy and thankful that i am also a withness to it and now i am among all those testifying about this loan company online. Queeneth Stark Loan Council is the best !! I have had 100 % attention to everyone of my questions and they were handled immediately and above all also ,i just got my loan of $ 10,000.00 via my bank account here in Netherlands. I would recommend this service to everyone!
    here is the details that i used in contacting them : mrsstarkloans@aol.com

    Mrs Zoe Amber.

  20. I have suspicion that a relative of mine is being scam. I believe their using the black money scam. The problem is one of them, pretending from UN had come to my relative’s home. So we are a little bit afraid that if we do something like report to the police, they will come and do unpleasant thing to this family. Any sugestion?

  21. Hi Peeps, iam Phelia West a final year student of Medicine and Surgery Concordia University Montreal Canada. Please if you wanna be scam free just like the way i am now please do not hesitate to apply for a loan from the Queneeth Stark loan company , i have tested there services and its is so unique and so fast without any further benefit of doubt i am so convinced and quit guaranteed that this company is one of the very best loan company online because my loan was granted to me without any form of headache or heartaches as compared to all other fake loan companies that i contacted online before reaching them and you can reach them on this email that i used in obtaining my own loan {mrsqueenethstarkloanagency@admin.in.th} {mrsstarkloans@aol.com} also should you wanna contact me please here is my personal email {phaliawest@gmail.com}

  22. Just had a missed call from +447088662439 – the number is now blocked thanks to your site!

  23. Posted from an Opera IP address (


    Do you need an urgent financial helps,loan offer,service assistance.
    Homemade service
    Personal loan
    Guarantee render
    Bill accounts
    If yes kindly email us now via bencarsonloancompany@gmail.com

  24. plz put +44 708 659 1838 to the list.
    being called and answered with: sorry, couldnt answer ur call, you’r next in line.

  25. Hello every one please i quickly want to use this medium to shear a testimony on how God directed me to a real loan lender who have transformed my life from grass to grace, from being poor to a rich woman who can now boast of a healthy and wealthy life without stress or financial difficulties. After so many months of trying to get a loan on the internet and was scammed the sum of 3,800 euro i became so desperate in getting a loan from a legit loan lender online who will not add to my pains,then i decided to contact a friend of mine who recently got a loan online, we discussed about the issue and to our conclusion she told me about a man called Mr. Lewis Harry who is the CEO LEWIS HARRY FINANCIAL SERVICES LOAN COMPANY So i applied for a loan sum of (50,000.00 euro) with low interest rate so the loan was approved easily after following his instruction without stress and all the preparations where made concerning the loan transfer and in less than two days the loan was deposited into my bank account i thought it was a joke until i received a call from my bank that my account have been credited with 50,000.00 euro i became so happy that finally god have answered my prayers by directing me to a real loan lender who was able to grant my heart desires. big thanks to Mr. Lewis for making life reasonable for me so i am advising everybody who is interested in getting a loan to kindly contact him via email ( lewisharry_lending@hotmail.com ) that was how i was able to get my loan, so i was able to pay off my bills. So thanks as you took out time to read about my success story and i pray god will also do his will in your life I am Mrs Mary Elvis by name.

  26. I received email regarding job and they referred my linkedin profile. after second communication they sent me offer letter. i released that is scam because how come offer letter without interview.
    below number mentioned in their email
    (+44) 7024081671

  27. I had a missed call on my mobile +44 70 8653 7915
    when I called the number a very English voice asked me to hold while my call was being transferred. I held and then I was asked to hold for a longer time. I hung up. Thanks for your website I am grateful.

  28. I received a friend request on FB 1 week ago & accepted. A few days after accepting, I got a chat message. After chatting for 1/2 hr, he asked for my no & I knew there was something wrong. He kept asking on the following day too. I gave my number. However, when he called he didnt have the speaking accent of the country where he claims he is from. His mobile is +447010031860 & asked me to call. I decided to check & as I thought, it’s a scam. I want to thank you for setting up this blog to help us who could have become ‘victims’ without it.

  29. Hello,

    Do you need a loan to pay off your debt or for any financial assistance? If yes worry no more, Sunjay Eric Loan Company is willing to assist you with your financial needs concerning the loan you have been searching.? Sunjay Eric Loan Firm offer loans to individuals as well as organizations, We give out loans from the range of 5,000.00 to 10,000,000.00 and above depend on your monthly income. Our loans are well insured and maximum security is our priority, Available Loans we offer are,

    * Personal Loans (Secure and Unsecured)
    * Business Loans (Secure and Unsecured)
    * Combination Loan
    * Consolidation Loan and Many More:

    If you are interested get back to us upon the receipt of this email, to enable us proceed with you concerning the loan, you can contact now via email: sunjayericloanfirm@hotmail.com


    1) First Name:
    2) Last Name:
    3) City/Zip Code:
    4) State:
    5) Country:
    6) Gender:
    7) Date of birth (yyyy-mm-dd):
    8) Amount Needed:
    9) Purpose For Loan:
    10) Duration:
    11) Telephone:
    12) Office phone:
    13) Fax:
    14) Name Of Company:
    15) Occupation:
    16) Monthly income:
    17) what midst do you use in contacting us?: computer or
    mobile phone?:


    Best Regard,
    Sunjay Eric.

  30. It’s amazing, these guys just don’t give up.
    They keep coming up with novel stuff.
    I was on akademiskkvart.se recently and responded to an apartment ad. Got a reply, but once ‘money before signing a contract’ came up, I began to smell a fish. I even called the number just to check and my suspicions only heightened. I ran the contents of the email through your site and bam!
    Thanks guys.

  31. mi amor,
    gracias que usted respondió y en relación con este proyecto que nos ocupa, la verdad he informado al banco acerca de mis planes para reclamar este dinero, pero lo único que me dijo es buscar un socio extranjero que estará en mi nombre, debido a mi condición de refugiado y las leyes de este país y se adjunta aquí está el certificado de depósito de mi difunto padre, que muestra el origen del total del fondo, lo que tendrá un 20% del total del dinero me ayuda y el dinero restante será administrado por usted en una mayor inversión en su negocio, porque todo lo que necesito ahora es mi libertad también para promover mis estudios.

    Por favor, no se olvidó de que no he contado a nadie, excepto a usted acerca de la existencia de esta gran cantidad de dinero y me gustaría que por favor mantenga en secreto a otras personas porque, ya que es (DINERO) todos los ojos estarán puestos en él y estoy usando la iglesia computadora para escribir usted, recuerde confío en ti y creo que va a hacer una buena inversión con mi difunto padre, s dinero que es por eso que le estoy dando toda esta información.

    Ahora me gustaría que en contacto con el banco inmediatamente con esta información, dígales que usted es mi socio extranjero y que desee conocer las posibilidades de ayudar me transfiero mi $ 6,7 millones (seis millones setecientos mil dólares) depositados por mi difunto padre de los cuales yo soy el pariente más cercano de su cuenta en su país.

    Nombre del depositante; ………. DR MUSTAHPA MALAM.
    Familiares; …………….. Phina MUSTAHPA MALAM.
    Fecha de nacimiento; ……………… 11 – 11-1986
    Lugar de nacimiento; ………….. Darfur (Sudán)
    Nacionalidad; ……………… SUDÁN.
    Importe Depositado; ………… $ 6,7 millones)
    Cuenta de depósito No ………… (No Rbs745108601546)
    Código Swift: ……………… (Cmds08, fuerte; Ewvi203)

    Dirección de correo electrónico: ………….. (www.rbs.royal.bank@financier.com)

    Royal Bank of Scotland PLC LONDRES
    Registrada en Escocia N º 9031.
    Domicilio social: 6 St Andrew S quare, Edimburgo.
    Tel directo: + 447-012-976-776.
    Tel directo: + 447-005-931-336
    Fax: 447 031 942 148.

    querida por favor póngase en contacto con ellos ahora en la forma de transferir los $ 6,7 millones (seis millones setecientos mil dólares) depositados por mi difunto de los cuales yo soy el pariente más cercano. Es mi intención de compensar con el 20% del total de dinero por sus servicios y el 5% para los gastos que puedan surgir en esta transferencia. Mi querida, me alegro de que Dios te ha traído a verme a partir de esta situación y prometo ser amable y se necesita igualmente en todas las áreas de mi vida además de invertir este dinero ya que soy demasiado joven para manejarlo.

    Honestamente yo estaré más que feliz de verte invertir con todo este dinero en un buen negocio y también me ayude a cabo a partir de este campamento para continuar mis estudios en cuanto la transferencia se hace totalmente en su cuenta, una vez más, este campamento es como una cárcel y mis oraciones es para salir de aquí lo antes posible. Por favor, asegúrese de que se comunique con el banco para que después de la transferencia de poder enviar algo de dinero del dinero para mí preparar mis documentos de viaje para reunirse con usted en su país de una vida mejor o encontrar la salida de este infierno llamado campamento,
    tener un día maravilloso
    esperando oír de usted lo antes posible !.

  32. ICC Mortgage And financial Services,Is a sincere and certified private Loan company approved by the Government,we give out international and local loans to all countries in the world,Amount given out $2,500 to $100,000,000
    Dollars, Euro and Pounds.We offer loans with a dependable guarantee to all of our clients. Our loan interest rates are very low and affordable with a negotiable duration.
    Available now
    Available now..
    Apply for a loan today with your loan amount and duration, Its Easy and fast to get. 4% interest rates and monthly
    installment payments.

    Nicholas Brush

  33. My Name is John Wilson we Offer out loan interest rate is 3%. Do you
    need a loan? if yes,Email now:wilson_loanfirm07@yahoo.co.uk

    for more information
    Full Name:
    Loan Amount:
    Phone Number

    God bless you.
    Mr, John Wilson

  34. Posted by a scammer from Nigeria (frankwoodloan@gmail.com /


    Niech pokój Pan z Tobą.
    Czy jesteś człowiekiem biznesu czy kobieta? Czy jesteś w jakikolwiek
    stres finansowy czy też potrzebujemy funduszy na rozpoczęcie
    własny biznes?
    ) Osobiste Loan, rozszerzenie działalności.
    b) działalności start-up i Edukacja.
    c) konsolidacji zadłużenia.
    D) X-Mas Kredyt
    Nazwa: ……………………………………
    Kraj: …………………………………..
    Adres: ……………………………………
    Status: …………………………………
    Płeć: ……………….. Wiek …………………..
    Kwota pożyczki Potrzebny: …………………….
    Czas trwania pożyczki: ……………………………..
    Prywatny numer telefonu komórkowego: …………………..
    Dochody: ……………………………….
    Dzięki i Bóg zapłać
    e-mail: frankwoodloan@gmail.com

  35. The email he uses is davidlamberson@hotmail.com, his pics are from an hungarian politician ( Kóka János), he wrote and something didn’t feel right, he wanted to me to call him and didn’t give his cell number, wrote huge emails telling about his late wife and how he was trying to move on, I just could’t buy it and just google the pics and the phone. That’s when I found this website and his fake pics!! Be careful everyone!!!
    He also use this number +17406523996

  36. Mobile rang once…. missed call from +447088661782 ….suspected scam so I looked on line and came across this blog…. BE AWARE.

  37. I’m from Spain and I have just been called from the +447086608893 and I wasn’t able to pick it up because it was only for 2 seconds. After searching and finding this I think that I’ll let it be.

  38. Hello, I’m from Romania and just received a call yesterday from this number: +447088993571. I’m glad I missed the call and didn’t call back.
    Could someone please investigate and possibly block the number?

  39. Same here call from +447086593909 – unfortunately i called back. And when i searched on the internet I realised it was a scam. When you call they will say: Please hold and we will connect you. after 30 Sec or so – Please leave a message after the tone.

  40. Thank got am save now wen I enter here at the website from few dyas ago am searching this thing to proof my self since three weeks a go that some one following me to make luse my life but finly am here fllowing person( miss sally younes ) asking me to take from the bank royal bank of Scotland plc whos in senegal refugee cam her father late gen. Abdul Fattah younes deposit at royal bank of Scotland plc yes loose my $550 dollar to gate the things need at bank pawer of othorny and oath for this both ducumnt they ask me to send to gate this and I send it but again they ask me more money to for travel to Scotland that lawyer who make those ducumnet power of othorny and oth death sartifhiket and again they ask me to travel Scotland an then I dont trust ahead they calling me from +2218 starting the fake mr.james nish bank foreign operation . Dep.
    Miss sally whos sponcer of $5.3 Million Us Dollars and she need to take her money from the bank and mr. Morris kabul fake lawyer whos asking some for travel to Scotland and breef meating and sign some ducument then you will be a lucky man of this $5.3 Million Us Dollars after in your positions who said on me like that that I have told hem to send this money end of this month 2.000 dollar 27oct. I will make both crazy now I will send them to hell (both peoples email miss sally younes (Sallyyones80@ yahoo.com) mr. James nish ( James_nish@accountant.com or have to more org and blumail ( mr. Bar morris kabul whos acting now lawyer.(morisskabul@lawyer. Com or more

    here I would like to inform you to stop this doing with people investigate there whos doing this crime thank you thank got .

  41. The post below was made by a scammer. It was not posted from an IP ( that is *not* in Ireland.

    No loan company ever uses a free webmail address. “admin.in.th” is a free webmailer used primarily by advance fee scammera:

    i needed to get a good car since my place of work is far from where i leave , i told my husband about my plans to get a loan so that i can get a good car of my choice but my husband instructed and advise that i shouldn’t apply for a loan online because almost all loan lenders online are scammers so i had to wait for an extra 2 months but the stress was so much on me because this time around i was always getting late to work and my job was almost on the line and all effort to get a loan from my bank inst working through because i have a bad credit so with all this issues i had to get my mind crossed by applying for a loan online although i wont say that i was so smart for not been scammed but i strongly believe that it was the lords doing for directing me to this loan company owned by a woman like me . the name of the loan company is QUEENETH STARK LOAN COMPANY . i got my loan easily and quick contrary to what i was earlier told by my husband . I am now a proud owner of an SUV 2014 model car by virtue of the QUEENETH STARK LOAN COMPANY . i dont really know if you are seriously in need too but just incase you can reach them via mrsqueenethstarkloanagency@admin.in.th and also you can reach me on my personal email address which is leahrays12345@gmail.com


  42. The post below was made by a scammer. It was not posted from an IP ( that is *not* in Ireland.

    No loan company ever uses a free webmail address.

    Hi ,

    My name is Ahana Enaney from ireland.

    If getting a legit loan online was that easy as stated in all this frabicated loan testimonies that i have been reading through online , then why were my husband and I turned down for a loan online twice after been scammed of about $16,000 United State Dollars ? We the loan seekers are the common regular victims of this fake loan stories simply because we are in dire needs we believe in their stories out of despiration to get a loan, but at the end of it all we find out that we have gained nothing but rather loosed the little we have into the hands of this online scammers who claim to be real lenders .the lenders told us to pay some few amount for insurance because they said that we were high risk!! How is that? I still don’t understand how!! how can a lender be requesting several fees from a borrower ? if that borrower was having money would he or she have come along to ask for a loan ?? those lenders decieved my husband and i of getting a loan and we thought it was all real because we never believed that there was anytime as an online loan scam and they had all pay all we had to them and due to the way things were moving we had to close out our buisness over here in ireland as we could not meet up with the customers needs any longer because we sold all most every single goods we had and we could not replace them as we thought that we could do so if we get our requested loan amount … yes !! we were scammed by two different lenders online ! a customer who was also a closed friend to the family saw the way things were so bad and decided to introduce us to a loan company but we refused any further loan offer because we had conluded that all of them were scams but he insisted as he opened up of getting a loan from them but we believed him at a spot after he opened up because we knew himfrom the onset to be a man of unquestionable character who was always known for his words and we applied with this company that he called THE WINONA MILLARAY LOAN FOUNDATION but prior to our application with this email address : winonamillarayloanfoundation@linuxmail.org , that he provided to us we quickly lookup this loan company in google so that we could be sure that they were legit .. yes !! it was to my own satisfaction and i applied but God was so kind that he lead us through and we got our loan .. Oh well, I’m just glad that we got our loan without been scammed or any stress .
    Ahana Enaney from ireland and you can reach me on my official email address ahanaenaney@gmail.com.

  43. I just received a call to an unused mobile I have lying around from +44 70 8866 4561.
    Fortunately I never accept calls from unknown numbers, instead saving them to a new user then using the “block incoming calls” option on my phone.
    Thanks to this website – I’ll be doing the same to this number!

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